The following tax forms are currently available in the library: W-2 Form W-3 Form 1099 Form 1040 Form The library will not receive any other forms from the IRS. The IRS is moving...
The Antigo Public Library has many new activities beginning in January. We hope you will join us. You can print a copy here: Black and White Simple Minimalist 2025 Year Planner...
Visit the Antigo Public Library and check out an item between Thursday 1/2/25 - Friday 1/31/25. Your name goes into a drawing to win a gift bag of goodies. Each time you check...
A librarian is an individual with a degree in library science who administers or assists in a library. It may also be someone who works in a school and has a degree in library...
The next time you are in the library, be sure to pause in our entry hallway and admire the new bottle cap art hanging up. Local artist, Beatie Gmeiner, recreated an image of the...
Many changes have come to the Antigo Public Library this year. Our children's department is blooming & growing. Thanks to the generous endowment donation from the Fogeltanz,...